'System/Linux'에 해당되는 글 155건
- 2015.06.27 linux - What is the difference between reboot , init 6 and shutdown -r now?
- 2015.06.24 linux - What is the purpose of having three(or more?) directories with icons?
- 2015.06.23 linux - gnome desktop file
- 2015.06.23 linux - fedora packaging guidelines
- 2015.06.12 fedora - fedora.next
- 2015.06.03 linux - Add(Remove) a User to a Group (or Second Group) on Linux(usermod)
- 2015.04.08 fedora - screen lock
- 2015.01.25 centos -Upgrading PHP 5.3.3 to 5.4.4
- 2015.01.19 centos - inittab 5 not working
- 2014.11.16 linux - pgrep, pkill